Published date: 24 March 2020

A new integrated health care centre for Trowbridge

Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group, in partnership with NHS Property Services and other healthcare providers, has been working up plans for a new integrated health care centre on land off Seymour Road, adjacent to the existing community hospital in Trowbridge.

The proposal is for a new facility that will reprovide the services currently in Trowbridge Community Hospital alongside additional primary care capacity and an expanded range of other health care services. Patients, carers and staff will also benefit from modern healthcare facilities that meet current standards and provide a significantly enhanced environment.

An outline planning permission to develop this site for a new primary care centre was previously approved in February 2010 and the site remains allocated within Wiltshire’s Local Plan for the development of community health facilities. We are now submitting a fresh planning application to take forward the proposals for an integrated health care centre.

The new application is seeking outline planning approval for the development of a c. 2,400 sqm two-storey building with associated parking. The appearance and design of the integrated care centre will be decided at a later date in a subsequent application for approval of the ‘reserved matters’.

UPDATE 4th April 2021: outline planning permission to develop this site for a new integrated health centre was approved on 15th January 2021. The reserved matters application has now been submitted to the Council and can be viewed here on their website 21/01211/REM