Webinar recording: Tapping into the town planning system for the NHS estate

From planning applications to enable redevelopment, to new funding routes via developer contributions, to protecting NHS interests in wider planning policy – how can the NHS better use the town planning system to optimise and future proof its estate?

Watch a recording of our webinar from the 28th October, to learn how the NHS Property Services town planning team - the only dedicated and professional town planning team in the NHS - can support the NHS estate. 

Watch the webcast

In this webinar, we cover:

  • Introduction to the town planning team, outlining how they can support your estate management and optimisation
  • Outline of the recent town planning policy changes (prompted by COVID-19) and consider the impact on the NHS estate
  • Exploring the Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funding opportunities, the potential they hold for the NHS estate, and how to best tap into them. 

We demonstrated this work through customer case studies and ran a Q&A session covering S106, Assets of Community Value and more. 

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