NHS Property Services' Insights blog explores the latest in the health property sector
Our blog explores the latest in the health property sector with insights from our property and facilities management experts.
Showing results 88 - 96 of 128
19 March 2021
A ‘more efficient health estate’ for better patient care
Christopher King outlines how urgent demands for healthcare space are being met through the use of innovative digital solutions.
23 February 2021
Decarbonising the estate
HefmA Pulse speaks to Cameron Hawkins about how we're decarbonising the NHS estate.
14 January 2021
Smarter working and wellbeing: my journey
Kate Richardson, our Head of National Office Programme, writes about her own personal journey with smarter working.
07 December 2020
How can we adapt the NHS estate for social prescribing?
The King’s Fund and NHS Property Services met the ‘dons’ of social prescribing at a virtual roundtable to discuss the movement in England.
01 December 2020
COVID-19 waste guidance
Read our guidance on how to dispose of vaccination centre waste and personal protective equipment.
23 November 2020
The Patient Estate
We surveyed 2,000 people to tap into the 'voice of the patient', exploring what people want from the healthcare facility of the future.
17 November 2020
Thinking Differently Together: Local Anchor Institutions
Stakeholders from across Suffolk and North East Essex ICS recently came together to discuss a variety of perspectives on what being an ‘anchor institution’ means in practice.
05 November 2020
What can employers do to lift team spirits and combat potential isolation in winter?
We've implemented a new health and wellbeing programme to ensure workplace wellness, mental health and physical health for all of our employees.
27 October 2020
The flexible approach to estate design
Our Heads of Property Development and Portfolio Optimisation speak to the Hospital Times on NHS Property Services evolving response to the pandemic.
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