Webinar recording: Flexible room booking with NHS Open Space

How can NHS Open Space help you make better use of NHS space?

NHS Open Space is a new service developed by NHS Property Services, enabling the flexible booking of both clinical and non-clinical space on a sessional and pay-as-you-go basis.

This programme is a significant step forward in the optimisation of the NHS estate. Currently, sessional space is inconsistently administered across the NHS estate using different processes for booking, pricing, access conditions and service levels. This makes it difficult for customers to book and plan their space requirements, leading to wasted time and money, and limiting the range of services that patients can access from their local health hub. 

NHS Open Space is currently live in 20 sites, expanding to a further 40 in Spring (see full list here), with further expansion across the NHSPS portfolio planned. Learn more about NHS Open Space

Ahead of the Spring launch, Chris King - Principal Strategic Asset Manager at NHS Property Services - hosted a webinar for customers to give an overview of the programme, what the transition to the new booking platform means, and what support is on offer.

Watch a recording of the webinar here, and see the slides used here.


Meet the speaker