NHS Property Services' Insights blog explores the latest in the health property sector
Our blog explores the latest in the health property sector with insights from our property and facilities management experts.
Showing results 28 - 36 of 128
15 June 2023
Achieving the right work-life balance this Father’s Day and beyond
Achieving the right work-life balance can be challenging for any parent, especially in a world altered by the pandemic.
19 May 2023
Learning At Work Week 2023
Putting a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development within organisations.
17 February 2023
It's my job to serve customers, literally
Nothing is more satisfying than pleasing customers. And we try to tune into their individual needs.
05 December 2022
Thank you to our 419 volunteers
NHSPS volunteers have been donating their time, skills and hard work to worthwhile organisations, supporting our local communities.
18 August 2022
Inspirational Woman: Cher Roberts
Cher Roberts, co-chair of the NHSPS’s Women’s Network talks about her successes and challenges to date, shedding light on women working in the field and sharing advice for businesses and those at the start of their careers.
Inspirational Woman: Márcia Pereira
Márcia Pereira worked as the Development lead at NHS Property Services as head of the development and testing teams and spoke to WeAreTechWomen about her career journey, the challenges she has faced and why women in technology should always push for more.
01 August 2022
Creating flexible healthcare spaces for cancer care services
Demand for NHS space is always changing. More recently, there's a need for more community spaces.
29 June 2022
How can charities get smarter with the spaces they use?
We recently spoke to charity partner, ACEVO, on getting smarter with the spaces charities use and how this can make a big impact on both cost and quality.
01 June 2022
Volunteers Week – Thank you to our 421 colleagues!
I’m proud to announce that we have surpassed this target with 421 colleagues volunteering – that’s 8.1% of our total workforce!
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