Published date: 25 May 2018
NHS Property Services has completed the sale of a former hospital in Wiltshire for £2.475million. The former Westbury Hospital, off The Butts, ceased operation following the opening of the nearby White Horse Medical Centre, and has been sold to Wiltshire-based SME housebuilder Backhouse. The site was declared surplus to the needs of the NHS and the role of NHS Property Services (NHSPS) was to dispose of the property to generate…
NHS Property Services has completed the sale of a former hospital in Wiltshire for £2.475million.
The former Westbury Hospital, off The Butts, ceased operation following the opening of the nearby White Horse Medical Centre, and has been sold to Wiltshire-based SME housebuilder Backhouse.
The site was declared surplus to the needs of the NHS and the role of NHS Property Services (NHSPS) was to dispose of the property to generate valuable funds for reinvestment in the NHS.
Nicola Booth, Senior Transaction Manager for NHS Property Services, said: “We are pleased to be returning vital funds to the NHS while releasing this site so that it can be brought back to use.”
“By selling land that the NHS no longer needs, we can also help increase efficiency and reduce the operational costs of the estate we oversee.
“Proceeds from the sale will be reinvested in the NHS nationally.”
The property was made available to other public bodies before being offered on the open market, but no approaches were received.
In September 2016, NHS Property Services secured outline planning permission from Wiltshire Council for 58 homes at the site, including an affordable housing provision.
After a period of marketing, starting in February 2017, NHS Property Services negotiated with potential buyers to secure the sale of the site.
NHS Property Services began consulting with local people on the future of the site at a public meeting in the town in February 2015 and delayed submitting the planning application to carry out further in-depth research into possible care uses for the site, but no viable option was found.
The site was marketed by Carter Jonas and Kavanaghs.
While the site was empty, NHS Property Services agreed for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service to use the buildings to practise life-saving techniques.