Published date: 19 April 2018
A vacant former health site in Kent is being marketed to raise funds for the NHS and allow new homes to be built.
The former site of the temporary walk-in centre on Canterbury Street, Gillingham, has been empty since clinical services were relocated to a permanent building at Balmoral Gardens Community healthy Living Centre in August 2016.
Marketing has now begun to secure a buyer for the 0.28 hectare site with agents Martine Waghorn appointed to handle the sale.
Proceeds from the sale will be reinvested in the NHS.
David Thurgar, Senior Transaction Manager at NHS Property Services, said: “Our role is to secure maximum value for the property on behalf of the NHS, and as well as generating funds for reinvestment, this site could help release land for new homes.”
The property has been declared surplus to the needs of the NHS by Medway Clinical Commissioning Group and was made available to other public bodies before being offered on the open market, but no approaches were received.
In February 2018, NHS Property Services secured outline planning permission for up to 13 homes on the site from Medway Council.
Interested parties have been invited to submit unconditional offers for the freehold acquisition of the property by 1 June 2018.