Published date: 12 June 2023
Download our helpful guidance to ensure you stay cool this summer.
As the weather gets warmer, there is a likelihood we will feel hot at work, especially if you are wearing PPE to protect against COVID-19 or working from home with no air conditioning. If we get too hot for a long period of time without trying to cool down, this can increase the likelihood of heat stress and overheating.
Heat stress occurs when our body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. Air temperature, work rate, humidity and work clothing are all factors which can cause heat stress.
So what can you do to prevent this from happening?
Download our customer guide to find out how you can spot the signs and symptoms of heat stress and understand the steps you can take to cool down in hot weather.
Share this with your teams and put it up in staff rooms too!
Report a facilities management issue
To report any urgent facilities management issues impacting your building this summer, please call our FM Helpdesk on 0808 196 2045. For all non-urgent issues, log the job on Connect.